Monday, October 8, 2007

Jena 6

The image of a noose hanging from a tree and what it stands for being brought back to the forefront of our news headlines as well as our minds from years ago is heartbreaking. I choose the word heartbreaking because I agree with Lippmann’s statement about pictures and how they do not fully convey an idea to us “until we have identified ourselves with some aspect of the picture.” I think it is an awful day when people who have in any way been dramatically affected from a hanging noose and all the hatred that comes with it have to relive those feelings due to ignorant people reminding them of years of hatred and sorrow. I also have pity on those who identify themselves with a noose in a positive way today. I have to believe that at some point in time they passed up the opportunity for a good education, because only ignorant people would view a noose hung from a tree in a positive way.

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