Thursday, November 15, 2007

Men vs. Women

Bernays' statement would definitely have to be reworded just for this statement to be socially acceptable. There are so many women's right groups out there that would practically tear Bernays apart for that statement. To change the original statement to bring it to the 21st century, it should say something along the lines of "Men and women have developed a partnership that allows them to assist each other in both private and public life." I know my statement is not as profound as something Bernays would say, but it needs to be stated that men and women are equal. We are no longer their "slaves" and do not live and breathe just for them. We do not pick up the pieces when a man overlooks an important detail and then screws everything up. Women were known for being the housewife that had dinner on the table as soon as the man of the house returned home from work. Men were the ones that brought home the money and fixed things around the house that the woman could not do. Now, there are no boundaries between what men and women do. I know families that the man stays home and cooks and cleans while the wife goes to work. There are no set rules as to what the man has to do and the same goes for the woman.

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