Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I think that pictures help us to make written text more specific, in the sense that movies based on books help to give readers a picture to go with their imagination, for written text can interpreted in so many different ways. In the same sense, a picture, although more specific, can mean a multitude of different things to a multitude of different peoples and cultures. It seems though, that at times an event can strike the hearts of so many people that a single picture no longer means a multitude of various things, but perhaps one single idea. A burning skyscraper may have meant many different things to people in 2000, but in Sept. of 2001 this same picture probably connotated the same images, ideas, and feelings to a majority of America. Basically, the point is that I agree with Lippmann's statement. It is not until we identify with a picture that we make it our own. This common identity will give rise to specificity among the majority.

1 comment:

Proffer5 said...

Remember, the most successful postings address the particulars of the prompt.