Sunday, September 9, 2007


Often there are barriers between the press and the gov't. Although we would like to believe that the gov't tells us everything they know, the fact is we often hear only what we need to. Like the war in Iraq, the public/press were told a specific story that, as we now know, was untrue. Without these "facts", it would have been much harder to find public backing of the war.

The press, in some cases, are not allowed to answer specific questions which are times where the gov't/president are not willing/able to give away valuable information. Many of these situations cause doubt in our gov't from the people. This disconnect leads many to believe that the gov't is not concerned with us.

As a member of a public watching a press event, many events can keep us from fully realizing the entire message. Like it was previously stated, many distractions (noise) can keep us from hearing the full message. The fact that we can not necessarily give feedback also creates a barrier from the gov't.

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