Monday, September 10, 2007

barriers in politics

As a lot of others said, I also think that some statements are taken out of context in press conferences. Also, I believe that the ambiance of these events are also important to report. Sometimes I feel that the only thing that is recorded is words not reactions. I feel that reactions can "say it all", and often can replace words. In press conferences you usually only see the speaker and a quick clip of who ever is asking a question. This can be biased at times, because you might feel that everyone fully agrees with the speaker, especially when the camera man shows the only person that was in the room nodding their head, when in reality the mood could be completely different. Even if you have a live tapping there could still be biased shots of the room and the events that take place there.

1 comment:

Proffer5 said...

Interesting point that relates to the concept of framing. Thanks.