Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Technology is an amazing thing. An email can be sent in the blink of an eye. We can write and read blogs on any topic, and respond positively or negatively to these blogs. We can use social sites like Facebook and MySpace to find old friends, make new ones, or keep in touch with present friends. Yet with these positives come a handful of negatives.
My annoyance comes in the form of spam. Not that meat substance in can, but the unsolicited advertisements in the form of emails and links. It's almost scary to think how I have changed email addresses twice due to the massive amounts of spam I got sick of deleting. As for the links, when I'm interested in reading other people's thoughts on a topic, I am not interested in "click here for more info" and being redirected to an unrelated site. If you want to be my friend on MySpace, don't send me a link of "check out my hot pics here!"
Spam should only be in a can, not in my email, MySpace, or Facebook.

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