Monday, August 27, 2007

Pushing Buttons


I'm not even sure if that's a word but it sounds good to me. The fact that I can randomly switch on a television, head to any news channel, and see the same horror/freak show replayed over and over again is a testament to the simple fact that, no matter how moral and just we think we are, we are still all addicted to watching the "Train Wreck". I recently had the misfortune of catching an episode of Nancy Grace where they replayed a video of a home care-giver smacking an elderly patient across the face. Why? Probably because the guy was having a bad day at home, or maybe he had a screw loose. Whatever the case is, many viewers probably kept watching the video over and over again...horrified yet mesmerized by the violence. What did I do? I changed the channel to an old episode of Scrubs. Sigh.

Matthew Dowdey

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