Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Drano ad is amazing, and by "amazing" I mean terrible. I see multiple messages in this image. None of which are good or for the betterment of society. The first message is of the subservient wife. What a terrible way to advertise something. "you better clean the drains before the king comes home or else he will pop you in the face with the hand he always wears his high school ring on". Yes, I am aware that it was part of that time period to be the housewife, but looking back on it today it is horrific. The second message is the husband playing the role of financial provider and the wife doing the cooking and cleaning. The lines of this stereotype have indeed blurred over the years, but there are still distinct roles that men and women play to this day. I cannot believe this ad actually was created. I'm sure the Drano company of today is real proud of there forefathers ad choice.


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